The greatest transformation happened by understanding the WHOLE Bible and how it all worked together. My year at the Institute challenged my comfortable belief system and made me put down some deep theological roots that I stand on today.

My desire to better understand the Bible and my theology made me feel determined to take action and not just be complacent. I had just graduated college and it was my window to make it happen.
The greatest transformation happened by understanding the WHOLE Bible and how it all worked together. My year at the Institute challenged my comfortable belief system and made me put down some deep theological roots that I stand on today.
The Kanakuk Institute is a transformation year to grow in wisdom, discipline, and favor with God and favor with man (community). Don't miss this opportunity. The benefits and fruits will serve you for the rest of your life.

I grew up in the church and thought I knew the Lord, but didn’t realize until college that I had never truly submitted my life to Him. The past few years have been a process of connecting my head knowledge about the Lord with my heart’s motives, intentions, and desires, and the Kanakuk Institute has already been key in this.

I grew up in the church and thought I knew the Lord, but didn’t realize until college that I had never truly submitted my life to Him. The past few years have been a process of connecting my head knowledge about the Lord with my heart’s motives, intentions, and desires, and the Kanakuk Institute has already been key in this.

The Lord has blessed me greatly in many areas since the Institute. My life has a greater purpose to know, love, and share Jesus. I’m in a line of work that is naturally dark and far from Jesus. The Institute has prepared me to have difficult conversations, speak with love and patience, and to faithfully show others what life in Jesus looks like. I’ve seen a difference in my heart to unashamedly share the Gospel with those who don’t know God, and sometimes reject Him.

I came to the Institute walking in the flesh and blind to my own sin. I was insecure and going through the motions to be a “good Christian.” There were areas of my life that were painted in sin but I refused to look inwardly at my own heart and allow the Lord to search me.
I left the Institute with a brand new understanding of God’s steadfast and unconditional love. Though I was still far from perfect, I had allowed the Lord to search my heart and sanctify me. I felt confident in my ability to defend my faith and boldly live it out. The more I learned about God, the more I realized I needed Him more and more.
One of my biggest challenges prior to KI was defending my faith. I knew I personally loved Jesus but I genuinely could not tell anyone why Jesus was the one and only way. I felt unworthy of God’s goodness because I couldn’t obey His commands to share the good news! Because of my insufficient knowledge, I felt ashamed. I did not know the goodness of God like I wanted and would often speak my opinion rather than the truth of God’s word.
The Institute was never on my radar. But after seeing a tangible difference in the faith of some of my closest friends, I knew that kind of faith and growth is what I desired. I spent a long time in prayer and asking the Lord to do with me as He willed. I received a clear answer to devote a year of my life to studying the Bible and preparing for a lifetime of ministry, whatever that may look like. The Institute changed the trajectory of my life. It’s worth every sacrifice you have to make, every dollar you have to spend, and every moment of those eight months. I wouldn’t trade the intimacy I gained with the Father for anything. I daily see the fruit of what God taught me at the Institute. I was one of those people on the fence about attending, but I can say with complete confidence that I would do again in a heartbeat.
The Lord has blessed me greatly in many areas since the Institute. My life has a greater purpose to know, love, and share Jesus. I’m in a line of work that is naturally dark and far from Jesus. The Institute has prepared me to have difficult conversations, speak with love and patience, and to faithfully show others what life in Jesus looks like. I’ve seen a difference in my heart to unashamedly share the Gospel with those who don’t know God, and sometimes reject Him.

The Institute provides an intense, focused curriculum in Bible and theology, which is then lived out in ministry opportunities and in community. A year of preparation for a lifetime of ministry, a year of foundation building, a year of developing good habits and practices, a year of deepening roots in the faith, a year of establishing lifelong friendships, a year of mentoring and being mentored, and a year of attention to loving God and loving others.

Kanakuk students are highly passionate about their faith and ministry and it is a joy to spend time with them. The focus on discipleship and disciple-making helps to prepare young women and men for a lifetime of faithful kingdom work.
The Institute provides an intense, focused curriculum in Bible and theology, which is then lived out in ministry opportunities and in community. A year of preparation for a lifetime of ministry, a year of foundation building, a year of developing good habits and practices, a year of deepening roots in the faith, a year of establishing lifelong friendships, a year of mentoring and being mentored, and a year of attention to loving God and loving others.
Your whole life is ahead of you. Is it worth one year to build a strong foundation for the rest of your life? Is anything more important than knowing God and making him known?

The benefit of taking a year to sit under great teaching with like-minded students is unparalleled. The Kanakuk Institute gives these students a well from which they will draw for the rest of their lives.

The benefit of taking a year to sit under great teaching with like-minded students is unparalleled. The Kanakuk Institute gives these students a well from which they will draw for the rest of their lives.
KI students are given the tools and environment to build in their hearts and minds a biblical worldview framework that will serve them in all of their endeavors for the rest of their lives.
In 30 years, you will either be telling your child that deciding to go to the Kanakuk Institute was one of the defining moments of your life - that created a God-centered trajectory God has used to both bless you and bless others in immeasurable ways, OR you will be telling them that not going to KI 30 years ago is still one of your greatest regrets, as you beg them to not make the same mistake.

Being able to accurately handle the Word of God as I walk against a real enemy who wants to destroy me has made all the difference as I have moved onward past my time at the Institute.

My biggest challenge before the Institute was the fear of and idolatry of man. I felt like I was in bondage to the world and still do when I don't put mankind in it's rightful position under Jesus.
I did not want to go to the Institute. At all. My family is a big Kanakuk family and I was a Kanakuk counselor throughout college. My older brother did the Institute and I was convinced that it wasn't for me. But God...He used my friends and even my Pastor in Waco, TX to convict me of the truth of 1 Timothy 4:8. Training for Godliness is quite simply of the greatest value because it holds promise both in this life and in eternity. The Kanakuk Institute was the best place that I could train for Godliness so I decided to go. It was the best decision I could have ever made at that time.
One of the greatest transformations I saw at the Institute was my understanding of the Sovereignty of our Lord. Our God is not surprised by the trials and the hard things that we go through, and He even intends on us going through them for our good and to grow closer to Him. When you begin to realize the depths of how in control God truly is and has always been, that's when you are able to have peace in the midst of a broken and anxiety gripped world.
Being able to accurately handle the Word of God as I walk against a real enemy who wants to destroy me has made all the difference as I have moved onward past my time at the Institute. I believe the Word of God is our greatest weapon on this earth, and the Institute taught me how to accurately handle it.
Sacrifice eight-months of pay checks to be transformed into God's man or God's woman. (Joshua 1:8) Learn how God defines success and prosperity through His written word so that you will never look for these things in the world.
The Kanakuk Institute will be the most transformational and fun year of your life. I'll give $100 to anyone that leaves the Institute without a defined purpose on their life.

In a world of relative truths, the Kanakuk Institute equipped me well to discuss and share the absolute truth of the Word of God. I'm in the field of medicine now, and among a wide variety of science-minded individuals who often encourage, and many times require, empiric data for certain claims, especially regarding faith. The immense depth and the breadth of the Biblical teaching that I received at the Kanakuk Institute prepared me well for these discussions.

I had grown up in the church, but I didn't know the Bible. Before being a part of the Institute, I lacked an understanding of the historical context of Scripture as a whole. I didn't fully see how the story of each book fully connected with the others. I would not have been able to fully defend my faith nor feel comfortable fully walking with someone through the disciple-making process prior to attending KI.
I had felt inadequately equipped for the "real world." I wanted to be able to defend my faith in whatever occupation I decided to pursue, and I felt like the Kanakuk Institute was truly the place to learn this.
I first heard about KI during one of my summers working at Kanakuk, but it was too early for me to apply. A couple of summers later, I had plans (we know how that goes) to head straight into medical school from my undergraduate education. That spring, I received a notice that I had not been accepted to medical school for the upcoming cycle. I heard once again about the Institute during that same summer. More and more I felt the Lord urging me to go for it, and so by late summer, I applied, and the rest is history!
Being placed in a community with 70 other individuals who were there for the same Gospel-centered disciple-making purpose gave me a unique opportunity to grow and change in the lens of God's grace. Not only did we learn Biblical teaching together, but we also worked around the campus and around Branson together, spent fun time in town together, and engaged in daily (and sometimes difficult) conversation together about God's work in our lives. From walking through the Bible chronologically and presenting the same at the end of the first semester, to defending my Christian faith in front of a Biblically knowledgeable and faithful panel of individuals, I felt much more equipped at year's end to go out and make disciples in whatever life had in store for me after that year.
In a world of relative truths, I feel more equipped to share the absolute truth of the Word of God. I'm in the field of medicine now, and so, I'm among a wide variety of science-minded individuals who often encourage, and many times require, empiric data for certain claims, including faith-based claims. The Kanakuk Institute equipped me well to discuss these aspects of the Christian faith in ways that I may not have been able to had I not spent the year there. I've had discussions with medical classmates of other faiths over the years about the differences between the Christian faith and other teachings. I've had the chance to share the Gospel on multiple occasions both in the US and abroad. I've also been able to engage in fun discussions with others about more specific things we learned to discover the truth of the Word of God, like the extra-biblical evidence of the inerrancy of Scripture.
I can confidently say that I was well equipped to do this because of the immense depth and the breadth of the Biblical teaching that I received at the Kanakuk Institute. It is a gospel-centered discipleship program that Biblically equips a community of individuals to go therefore in the name of Jesus and make disciples of all nations. Definitely do it.
I'm so thankful for the prayers and the conversations I've had with all the staff over the years, both at KI and at Kanakuk. I'm grateful for how the Lord continues to work through the Kanakuk ministries.

We are grateful that before our boys attended the Institute they were solid young men seeking to follow the Lord. In light of that, we were amazed by the metamorphosis that occurred while there. There was refinement, depth, greater accountability and a broad biblical equipping that is priceless.

The Kanakuk institute is a place of intense study of the bible with an amazing staff and great outside speakers. The students learn a biblical worldview and God's TRUTH to navigate life in a world where truth is based on secular relativism.
We had no hesitation about the Institute, but our sons certainly did! We have a Firm that employs many young people and we have observed the impact of this crazy world we live in on their lives. Because of that, we see the critical importance of this type of training to the broad life success of a young person coming from a college experience.
We are grateful that before our boys attended the Institute they were solid young men seeking to follow the Lord. In light of that, we were amazed by the metamorphosis that occurred while there. There was refinement, depth, greater accountability and a broad biblical equipping that is priceless.
By coming to the Institute, our boys not only grew in their personal relationship with Christ, they made life long friendships with other godly young men and women. They continue to have disciplined spiritual lives leading bible studies, being godly examples to their friends and they are passionate about being impactful difference makers in their work place. One of our sons was hired by the nations leading home builder much because the Kanakuk Institute was on his resume.
We are so grateful that the Kanakuk Institute is transformational for both ministry leaders as well as young people headed into the business community. We would tell other parents that God is working through the Institute team. It's life changing. We have become ambassadors for the Kanakuk Institute. We think it's what every young adult needs before launching into this crazy world we live in.
If you had an Institute for old people we would sign up!

I'll never forget hearing about KI and going to the interest meeting, only to find out it was for college graduates! I waited for four years until it was finally my turn. There is not a price tag to put on the overwhelming benefit my time at KI had on my life.

The summer after my freshman year in college I worked at K7. I'll never forget hearing about KI and going to the interest meeting, only to find out it was for college graduates! I waited for four years until it was finally my turn. I even postponed my wedding to come. I knew it was what I needed to do to grow spiritually & to prepare for my life post-college.
I learned so much. I'd been in church, youth group, Bible studies, & private Christian school my whole life. I thought I knew a lot about the Bible, and I did, but I didn't realize how much I had YET to learn. It humbled me and made me so thankful for the time to spend learning God's Word. I also made the BEST FRIENDS I have ever had. They challenge me and love me to this day. I also became confident to have harder conversations with people about the Bible, how to lovingly defend my faith, and how to teach the Bible to others.
There is not a price tag to put on the overwhelming benefit my time at KI had on my life. Priceless. I spent three years post-KI working for my church as a ministry assistant. I wrote curriculum, taught a small group to the same girls for seven years, as well as apologetic classes to middle school students, and stood up for what was right in a crazy boss situation. In my next job, the confidence I gained in public speaking from KI was put into use.
My marriage is stronger because of KI as we use the resources Dr. Smalley taught us. My husband became good friends with several of the guys in my KI class, and they keep him accountable. Now that I own my own wedding planning business, I get to use that as a platform for Jesus with confidence because I know what I believe and why I believe it.
The Kanakuk Institute is an 8-month biblical, intensive program that equips Christian young adults to know, be and do the Gospel while living in godly community. What could they possibly regret about attending? NOTHING. It is the best eight months I have EVER spent in my whole life. I would do it again in a heartbeat ... with my children and husband!
KI also showed me what it was like to be a part of the early church, to live in such community with other believers! We studied together, served at KI and outside in local ministries together, ate together, played together, prayed together. Becca Ford, Joy Oatman, Rachel Custer Regier, Brittany McFarling McEver, McKenna Brady Behrens, & Brittan Elimon Sanders (+ Marissa Olson Connolly) I talk with often. Such an encouragement to have ladies across the country who still love me to Jesus.

Biblical and theological literacy is decreasing at an alarming rate. And ministries like The Kanakuk Institute are on the front lines of raising up a generation of young men and women who understand the Bible, solid theology, and a Christian worldview.

Biblical and theological literacy is decreasing at an alarming rate. And ministries like The Kanakuk Institute are on the front lines of raising up a generation of young men and women who understand the Bible, solid theology, and a Christian worldview. It's an absolute joy to teach each year to a hungry group of young people who long to know God and His truth.
Students are getting an education and experience they sadly aren't getting anywhere else. Where else can they spend an intense year studying the Bible, theology, and ministry? ... live in close community with others striving to know Christ and make Him known? ... and be closely mentored by godly men and women who've been walking with Jesus for decades? Most local churches can't do what the Institute can!
The Kanakuk Institute is a wonderful opportunity to spend a year learning the Bible, solid theology, and great ministry skills—it will prepare you for life! You'll look back to the year at KI as the one that shaped your future for the better more than any other.

You will never regret the decision to intentionally study God's Word and live in authentic community for eight months. I'm so thankful for the grounding in truth that occurred in my time at the Institute.

My biggest challenge prior to attending the Kanakuk Institute came from my greatest blessing- being raised in a Christian home, being a pastor's kid, and attending Christian schooling my whole life. I loved God and wanted to live for Him, but I needed to take steps to make my faith my own. I knew what I believed but could not confidently defend my faith. For the most part, I had always been in a Christian bubble with little to no challenge to what I believed. I wanted to be ready and equipped to give an answer for the hope I had to the world around me.
I decided to attend the Kanakuk Institute because I wanted to know God more, know His Word, and how to confidently live out my faith in any circumstance or environment. I knew I needed to take the time and do the work of self discovery through the intensive study of God's Word.
My time at the Kanakuk Institute gave me a clear picture and understanding of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. I learned how to study God's Word on my own and leave with tools to do it for the rest of my life. I'm so thankful for the grounding in truth that occurred in my time at the Institute. The truth I encountered continues to be my guiding light.
You will never regret the decision to intentionally study God's Word and live in authentic community for 8 months. God's got you: you can trust that He will provide for you now and forever.

Through the biblical training I received at the Institute, I gained confidence in engaging with people about faith and defending my beliefs. Now that I am living in Ethiopia and teaching Bible at an international school, I have been able to put into practice what I learned at the Institute by equipping students to hopefully have confidence to defend their faith as well.

Through the biblical training I received at the Institute, I gained confidence in engaging with people about faith and defending my beliefs. Now that I am living in Ethiopia and teaching Bible at an international school, I have been able to put into practice what I learned at the Institute by equipping students to hopefully have confidence to defend their faith as well. I am so thankful for the tools I received while at the Institute such as scripture memory and Inductive Bible study. I have continued to use these tools as well as many others, since my time at KI and I am so thankful for the lasting impact that one year had on my life. I don’t think I’d be where I am today had God not brought me to KI!

I now know where to go, how to give Biblical answers, and my walk with the Lord is becoming even stronger.

I never felt fully equipped to be able to answer questions thrown my way or even lead people through scripture. I now know where to go, how to give Biblical answers, and my walk with the Lord is becoming even stronger.

The rest of my life will be different because of Kanakuk Institute.

I think there were a couple challenges that I had prior to attending the Kanakuk Institute. One of them was the need for reconciliation and forgiveness with a family member. Another challenge was knowing that the Lord had placed a specific type of ministry on my heart, but not being prepared fully in my knowledge of truth nor in how to communicate that truth with the next generation.
The need for reconciliation was just subtly in the background of every conversation with my family and left a lot of feelings unchecked in my heart because I had chosen to bury them instead of address and heal from past wounds. With the Lord's call to ministry it left me recognizing that I needed something to prepare, equip, and send me out into ministry before jumping headfirst into what I believed God was calling me to do.
After working at K1 for several summers, I had heard so many people that I looked up to talk about how transformational their year at Kanakuk Institute had been. However, I would hear them explain Bible Overview and Panels and become completely overwhelmed thinking there was absolutely no way that I could do something like that. As I got closer to the time of graduating college, I watched closer friends go to KI and share updates throughout their year and watched their lives be completely flipped upside down in the best of ways and I knew I wanted in. I knew the Lord was calling me to ministry at this point and I knew that I needed to be prepared and challenged and stretched before I was ready to go into full time ministry. After visiting Kanakuk Institute for a long weekend my decision was made and I couldn't wait to be the next class of KI.
I'm struggling to find words that would even scratch the surface of describing the amount of transformation and growth that happened from spending a year at Kanakuk Institute. This place is a glimpse of heaven, and not because everyone and everything is perfect (really the opposite of that. It's because you start the year with vulnerability and it's followed by deep community, intentional discipleship, accountability, and unbelievable teaching.
The rest of my life will be different because of Kanakuk Institute. (and that statement doesn't even include the fact that I met my husband at this place!). How I am a wife, how I love my family members, how I counsel girls at the school that I work at, how I will one day be a mom, how I read my Bible, how I view the local church, how I steward my finances, how I have conversations about difficult topics with non-believers, how I share the gospel, and how I view God's character. The list could go on and on. All of this has changed because of my time at Kanakuk Institute.
It's because of the men and women who work full time for the Institute and the teachers that come through every week dedicate their lives that we may understand the truth of Scripture. When we choose to be real and vulnerable, to dedicate time to our relationship with the Lord and understanding His Word, to set aside the individualistic way of our culture and choose community instead, and to surrender to the Lord and His plans...God shows up and shows off. Plain and simple.
One of my all time favorite things about Kanakuk Institute is that the Bible is your textbook. You aren't spending your weeks and days and hours studying about what other theologians had to say about doctrine. You aren't reading massive books and writing papers about these things. Instead you are spending every hour in a deep study of the Word of God. You spend lunches and car rides talking to your classmates about different pieces of scripture and seeking to understand the context before you come close to applying it to your life or circumstance. You become deeply familiar with His Word and any degree of intimidation you may of had when opening up the Bible just disintegrates throughout your time at KI because you spend every day in scripture. It is beautiful and builds a wonderful discipline of relying on God's Word first and foremost before turning to any commentary or diving deep into any other text.
I left the Kanakuk Institute different than when I walked through those gates. It was absolutely hard at times and we were all stretched and challenged, but I think our whole class would go back and do it again in a heartbeat. This program gives you all of the foundational tools necessary to be launched into a world where you can walk in a manner worthy of the calling and entrust these things to others through discipleship relationships.
I would encourage other to do it. You won't look back. I don't tell everyone to go to UT. I don't tell everyone to work at Kanakuk. But I will gladly tell anyone that they should spend a year of their life studying the word of God in real community. It changes you forever and satan and his army and the desires of this world will do everything to justify all the reasons why you should say no.

Three things come to mind that I have taken with me from my time at KI. 1. The value/ importance of a Biblical worldview. 2. A heart for a lifetime of ministry in and out of the church. 3. A dedication to discipleship. These three things are things that shape my day to day walk now, as my time at KI has greatly impacted my whole life for the rest of my life.

I moved to Dallas, Texas after my time in the Kanakuk Institute! I am currently working for Korn Ferry which is a consulting firm here in Dallas. Three things come to mind that I have taken with me from my time at KI.
1. The value/ importance of a Biblical worldview. 2. A heart for a lifetime of ministry in and out of the church. 3. A dedication to discipleship. These three things are things that shape my day to day walk now, as my time at KI has greatly impacted my whole life for the rest of my life. If you ever have any questions about my experience or want to know more please reach out!

The Institute provides a wonderful platform to help young men and women encounter Christ, engaging them in the connection between faith (what they believe) and life (how they behave).

The Institute provides a wonderful platform to help young men and women to encounter Christ in a variety of ways and I desire to engage them in the connection between faith and life (what they believe and how they behave).
Students are getting a wholistic opportunity to grow in a Luke 2:52 frame of reference (“And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52). The setting is wonderful for deeper reflection, peer engagement, servanthood opportunities, family modeling, and spiritual nourishment through the Word of God.
There are many places you can go to get bible training, but not many places that provide an environment of peers to engage in worship, work, witnesses, and the wonders of God's Word.

The Institute provides an intensive and immersive experience in biblical community, learning how God's Word works for life. Rarely does a Christian have this example of community. Students construct a theology that will carry them forward in life, work, and ministry.

I love challenging and training the next generation of leaders! I am committed to helping young believers value God's Word and discover it's benefit for a lifetime.
In the context of biblical community and accountability, KI students construct a theology that will carry them forward in life, work and ministry. The Institute is preparing future leaders for the church and the world.
The Institute provides an intensive and immersive experience in biblical community, learning how God's Word works for life. Rarely does a Christian have this example of community.

The most impactful thing I learned from the Institute was the Bible Overview. Over the past few years there have been countless times at church or in Bible study that I have been able to place a specific story or passage into the overall narrative and better understand the teaching. Not only that, but in my own life it has caused me to be reminded of the complete narrative God is writing. In the trials and triumphs I have to remember that God is at work in ways I might not be able to see at the moment, but what I do know is that I can look back at his faithfulness in thanksgiving and move forward in faith. God is good, all the time!

The most impactful thing I learned from the Institute was the Bible Overview. Over the past few years there have been countless times at church or in Bible study that I have been able to place a specific story or passage into the overall narrative and better understand the teaching. Not only that, but in my own life it has caused me to be reminded of the complete narrative God is writing. In the trials and triumphs I have to remember that God is at work in ways I might not be able to see at the moment, but what I do know is that I can look back at his faithfulness in thanksgiving and move forward in faith. God is good, all the time!

When I was at the Kanakuk Institute, God taught me that he could equip me for whatever ministry he had for me, if I would simply follow him.

They both shared with us how what they learned at KI has impacted their daily life!
Brad (Class of 2004) said, “When I was at the Kanakuk Institute, God taught me that he could equip me for whatever ministry he had for me, if I would simply follow him. For several years, that meant full time ministry, working for K-Life and Kamp in the summer. Later, I sensed him leading me into the business world, where he has faithfully steered me each step of the way. In my career as a trial lawyer, I utilize the skills I learned at the KI on a daily basis, whether that is leading a team, presenting an argument, or engaging with colleagues, witnesses, or adversaries.”
Sam (Class of 2010) said, “How vital a deep understanding of and consistency in the Word is to my daily walk with the Lord. In seasons where I’ve drifted from these things, there’s been a huge impact on my daily walk and relationships. No matter how many times I’ve read a passage, there will always be something to learn.”

I describe the Institute as "perpetual sanctification accelerant." It equipped me to grow exponentially, like a snowball rolling down hill, compounding "return on investment" spiritually.

I was raised in a Christian home but wandered as a prodigal. When I came to my senses, my hunger to grow in my faith was insatiable. God gave me the Institute to fill my belly! I have never been the same since.
As I was considering the Institute, I was running a real-estate business and paying a mortgage at the time. It did not make sense for me to attend, but God paved the way to pay for the Institute in a matter of weeks, confirming what seemed like an illogical decision.
My transformation from KI continues to happen. I describe the Institute as "perpetual sanctification accelerant." My time in Branson equipped me to grow exponentially, like a snowball rolling down hill. The investment at the Institute represents the power of compounding "return on investment" spiritually. I am not the man I would have been and I am so thankful for that.

The community at the Institute is beyond anything we have ever experienced. We now get to live in the freedom of knowing that it doesn’t matter what career we are in, whether that’s baseball, business or anything else, at the end of the day our mission is the same.

The biggest obstacles in deciding to enroll in the KI program was the time commitment. I was scared to give up an entire off-season of baseball and wasn’t sure if I was able to make it work with all of my travel. I didn’t want to commit and then have to back out halfway through. The institute staff reached out to me and my wife, Kelsey. They went above and beyond to accommodate my crazy schedule. We felt like this was right where God wanted us to be for those months.
It is hard to explain the growth in just a couple sentences. The biggest transformation I experienced was that, as we continued to dive deeper into God’s word and sat under solid biblical teaching, my confidence in the reality and hope of Christ grew immensely. There were doubts and questions I didn’t even realize I had that were put to rest during my time at KI.
My time at the Institute was life-changing. Not only did we grow deeper in a relationship with Jesus, but our marriage was strengthened immensely as well. We learned practically what putting Christ at the center of a relationship looks like. We also learned the value of community and how to go out and create it wherever we are. The community at the Institute is beyond anything we have ever experienced. We now get to live in the freedom of knowing that it doesn’t matter what career we are in, whether that’s baseball, business or anything else, at the end of the day our mission is the same.
The KI program is a transformative season of your life devoted to growing in intimacy and knowledge of the Lord and setting an eternal & discipleship focused foundation.
When Kelsey and I were considering going to the Institute we knew it would be informative, but we had no clue it would be so transformative. From top to bottom, everybody at KI is focused on not just learning God’s word in a textbook type learning, but letting His word work it’s transformative power... so that we are not just hearers of the word but doers as well. KI is well worth the investment of time and money. Do it!

I’ve been learning a ton about spiritual disciplines, the purpose and benefit of Scripture memory and meditation, how to inductively study the Bible, church history, and the overall story of the Bible and how everything points to Jesus! Forming lifelines on media, manhood, and self image with Scripture has encouraged me a ton because I can use those things for the rest of my life and now always back up the decisions I make with Scripture!

I am super thankful God led me to attend the Institute this year for so many reasons! I’ve been learning a ton about spiritual disciplines, the purpose and benefit of Scripture memory and meditation, how to inductively study the Bible, church history, and the overall story of the Bible and how everything points to Jesus! It has been so beneficial for me! Also, forming lifelines on media, manhood, and self image with Scripture has encouraged me a ton because I can use those things for the rest of my life and now always back up the decisions I make with Scripture!

This year I learned more about who God truly is, what His word truly says, and what implications that has for who I truly am. I got to process the pain, bitterness, and junk from my past with people who love me unconditionally and impartially. I got to learn what the Bible really is and God's grand story from Genesis to Revelation. I got to meet my best friends who will undoubtedly stand by me for the rest of my life. I got to pause after years of sprinting before the next big step in my life and dive head first into Truth.

This year I learned more about who God truly is, what His word truly says, and what implications that has for who I truly am. I have been blown away as I've gotten to study the Bible every day for an entire school year-- a dream come true for me. I got to process the pain, bitterness, and junk from my past with people who love me unconditionally and impartially. I got to learn what the Bible really is and God's grand story from Genesis to Revelation. I got to meet my best friends who will undoubtedly stand by me for the rest of my life. I got to pause after years of sprinting before the next big step in my life and dive head first into Truth.
I could go on and on but one huge reason why you should take this year. I'm glad I did is because I learned how the Lord has uniquely gifted me and how I can use those gifts to maximize HIS glory through my living sacrifice to Him. I found a passion and gift of evangelism that has changed everything about me. I discovered a heart of mercy and compassion that directs my days. I found the Lord in ways I never thought imaginable. And a year later I'm ready to go out FIRM and STRONG on what I believe and why I believe it and that is an invaluable gift I can't even fathom almost passing up. The world will wait, the Lord WILL provide financially, you will never regret it. I promise. Get here people!!! Trust me it's worth every second and penny.

The Institute develops the whole person. You will be working for the next 40 to 50 years of your life. One year at KI is a worthy investment to prepare you for a lifetime of ministry in whatever area God calls you to serve.

I teach at seminaries and colleges all over the world, and I can say that the students at KI are some of the top-quality students in intellect, character, leadership, and commitment to Christ. It is a worthy investment of my time to invest in the lives of these students who will impact their world for Christ.
KI does more than prepare the student intellectually. The program provides spiritual mentoring, life coaching, relational building, physical training, and spiritual disciplines. All facets that are needed in the making of a complete disciple of Christ.
KI provides an excellent disciple-making program where students are equipped in every aspect of the Christian life so that they can live a life with purpose for Christ.
You will be working for the next 40 to 50 years of your life. One year at KI is a worthy investment to prepare you for a lifetime of ministry in whatever area God calls you to serve.

Relinquishing control and embracing security in the Lord has been a great struggle in my faith. God has and will always be faithful but somehow I tend to seek a way to doubt Him. I find myself as the father in Mark 9 asking God “if you can”. If God can? Of course God can and He already has. In those moments, I get to steady myself with the entirety of Scripture that testifies to all that God has done, is doing, and will do. This lets me cast aside my doubt and see my security in the Lord, and just like the father I get to cry out “I believe, help my unbelief” and God is faithful to make Himself more real to me in everything I let go to Him.

Relinquishing control and embracing security in the Lord has been a great struggle in my faith. God has and will always be faithful but somehow I tend to seek a way to doubt Him. I find myself as the father in Mark 9 asking God “if you can”. If God can? Of course God can and He already has. In those moments, I get to steady myself with the entirety of Scripture that testifies to all that God has done, is doing, and will do. This lets me cast aside my doubt and see my security in the Lord, and just like the father I get to cry out “I believe, help my unbelief” and God is faithful to make Himself more real to me in everything I let go to Him.

I cannot even express in words the heart transformation that Hannah experienced this year. Her maturity in Christ, her understanding of God and His purpose for her life just blossomed. It transformed her heart, her mind and her attitude. It is a testimony to the fact that when we are open to Christ, He changes us.

We were thrilled when Hannah let us know that she felt the Lord leading her to KI. My husband was a counselor at Kanakuk in college and our kids attended several years. We knew God would deepen Hannah’s walk with Him this year!
I cannot even express in words the heart transformation that Hannah experienced this year. Her maturity in Christ, her understanding of God and His purpose for her life just blossomed. It transformed her heart, her mind and her attitude. It is a testimony to the fact that when we are open to Christ, He changes us.
Having to end her time at the Institute early, was very sad. She was not ready to leave her mentors, friends and the Godly environment of the Institute. Because of the virus everything in the country has been shut down which for a young person could be very depressing when you are looking for a job. I am thankful that in the midst of all of this uncertainty, Hannah has been in complete peace and had such a sweet joyful attitude, she knows That God is in control! This is a testimony to the transformation the Lord has made in her life while at KI.
No doubt I would tell other parents it’s worth every penny and that the leaders and material are rooted in the Word of God and that it will change their child forever.
I want to personally thank everyone who poured in to Hannah this year. I cannot express how grateful we are to each and every one of you and your willingness to be used by God. Little did we know that when Hannah left for Branson last Sept, she would come home a transformed young lady who is a more grounded and mature Christian.
Thank you also for the opportunity to travel to Israel, she is so ready to go back again and it just brought the Bible to life in such a special way.

During my time at KI, I learned rich biblical truths that I have carried forward into everyday life as a husband and (soon-to-be) father and into the medical profession. Before the Kanakuk Institute, I did not feel as though I had a strong biblical foundation. During that year, I began to read and experience and understand the Word of God as truly living and active, just as the author of Hebrews describes it in chapter 4. Scripture began to mold and shape me as I studied it.

The Kanakuk Institute is a sending ground for disciple making and for advancing the Gospel. KI immerses you in the Bible through intensive study and defense of the Word of God while you live in community with others who are there for the same purpose. During my time at KI, I learned rich biblical truths that I have carried forward into everyday life as a husband and (soon-to-be) father and into the medical profession. Before the Kanakuk Institute, I did not feel as though I had a strong biblical foundation. During that year, I began to read and experience and understand the Word of God as truly living and active, just as the author of Hebrews describes it in chapter 4. Scripture began to mold and shape me as I studied it. That year in Branson helped equip me with a tool belt of biblical truths that I can take with me and continue to grow in the confidence and absolute truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Spending that time with dozens of other people on mission to grow in understanding of the Word of God in order to ‘go therefore and make disciples of all nations,’ was life-changing.

KI leaves you with not just knowledge that’s helpful in conversations, but with truth that you’ll cling to and rely on when you meet days of confusion and brokenness. Remembering and remaining faithful to the things we learned while at the Institute have allowed us to not only be a part of and see conversations that lead to fruit in others’ lives, but it has allowed us to be better spouses, better friends, siblings, children, co-workers, and - above all - disciples of Christ.

What we learned at KI has played an instrumental role in every day of our lives. KI leaves you with not just knowledge that’s helpful in conversations, but with truth that you’ll cling to and rely on when you meet days of confusion and brokenness. Remembering and remaining faithful to the things we learned while at the Institute have allowed us to not only be a part of and see conversations that lead to fruit in others’ lives, but it has allowed us to be better spouses, better friends, siblings, children, co-workers, and - above all - disciples of Christ. No matter our circumstances, the ways God shaped our lives and the tools He equipped us with at the Institute have graciously allowed us to maintain a focus on Jesus and remember with confidence that our God is good and faithful.

While at the Institute, I fell in love with the Word of God and it no longer was something I was supposed to do, but became something I could not live without. Not a day goes by where I do not use things I have learned from KI in my daily life.

Though it was a challenge not knowing financially just how I was going to pay for it, I decided to "let go and let God," and He worked in incredible ways.
When I worked at Kanakuk K7 as a student, every person I looked up to had gone to the Institute or was planning on going to the Institute. I figured if the disciples needed three years to spend time with Jesus alone before they started in ministry, then me giving up eight months is nothing.
While at the Institute, I fell in love with the Word of God and it no longer was something I knew I was supposed to do, but became something I could not live without. I learned more about myself then I ever could have imagined whether it was my strengths or weaknesses and how to lean on the Lord no matter what.
Not a day goes by where I do not use things I have learned from KI in my daily life. Whether it is the way I read my Bible, or using homework and notes as resources. The Lord used the Institute to benefit every area of my life. It is a program committed to challenging and encouraging you while you experience the greatest community of your life.
Why not spend nine months of your life preparing yourself spiritually for the rest of your life?

There are always jobs available, and there are always other opportunities, but rarely do you have the chance to set aside a year of your life and invest in your relationship with the Lord so wholeheartedly.

There are always jobs available, and there are always other opportunities, but rarely do you have the chance to set aside a year of your life and invest in your relationship with the Lord so wholeheartedly.
My biggest challenge prior to the Kanakuk Institute was studying the word of God in a way that helped me understand who God is. I felt overwhelmed and would often disengage from scripture and prayer because it felt too overwhelming.
I chose to attend the Institute because I wanted to be equipped for any job or occupation I undertook. My year at the Institute helped me to understand and fully engage my whole being to the Lord and not simply parts of my life. The Institute helped me set a standard for my life being centered on Christ that does not allow me to compromise any actions as a husband and now a father. The Institute is a staging ground to prepare yourself to work for the Lord the rest of your life.

You should absolutely send your child to the Institute. Your child will not regret having taken a year to grow in their faith before venturing into the rest of their life. This is a life changing experience.

The Kanakuk Institute is a life changing, faith based opportunity for your child to immerse themselves in a community of God-fearing loving adults and peers to learn more about themselves, God, and their faith.
Lauren and Conner both grew their faith tremendously while at the Institute. They dug deeper into God's word. They also were surrounded by a community of amazing, Christian friends, counselors, and teachers which has given them a great life-long friendships to draw upon.
We believe that both of our children are more outwardly focused than they were before. They are now more concerned with sharing their faith with others. They also learned a lot about themselves while at the Institute.
You should absolutely send your child to the Kanakuk Institute. Your child will not regret having taken a year to grow in their faith before venturing into the rest of their life. This is a life changing experience.

The most impactful thing I learned is how to pursue and know the LORD with a healthy mindset and in a simple way.

The most impactful thing I learned is how to pursue and know the LORD with a healthy mindset and in a simple way. It’s easy to overcomplicate our beliefs and questions towards God and his word, but in the end, it’s all just a choice of whether we trust him (DAILY) and be obedient to what he calls us toward: discipline, accountability, devotion, humility, rejoicing, patience, love, and the list could go on… The Institute helped me realize these truths and gave me the tools and encouragement to implement them in my life.

The Institute produces young adults who know the Scriptures, value community, and have a vision for how to impact their world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every student, no matter their goals or aspirations, should consider spending a year at the Institute.

After visiting the Kanakuk Institute, I couldn't help but leave wishing I had known about it when I was graduating college.
The Institute produces young adults who know the Scriptures, value community, and have a vision for how to impact their world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every student, no matter their goals or aspirations, should consider spending a year at the Institute. It is not simply ministry training, it is training for a life, full of passion and purpose, post college.
I think it's one of the best programs out there. You will not regret your year at the Institute.

I truly believe that Belief Statements have had the biggest impact on my family, my business, & in leading small groups. Knowing God's Word & understanding His character has helped me clearly navigate the "almost-but-not-quite-true" parenting trends by solidifying the fact that sin must be identified so that we turn to Him for salvation. Lives are being changed because of what God allowed me to learn at the Institute, both mine & those around me.

When I tell you that I use what I learned from my time at the Institute every day, it's 100% the truth! I truly believe that Belief Statements have had the biggest impact on my family, my business, & in leading small groups. My kids daily depend on me helping them understand God through the verbal telling of His Word, through modeling dependence on Him, & in asking forgiveness. Knowing God's Word & understanding His character has helped me clearly navigate the "almost-but-not-quite-true" parenting trends by solidifying the fact that sin must be identified so that we turn to Him for salvation. I want my kids to want to know Jesus better because they see their mama running courageously after Him…. Lives are being changed because of what God allowed me to learn at the Institute, both mine & those around me. Truly, one of the BIGGEST blessings in my life! Many times I've wished I could go back, but I know that God has me where He's called me to be for such a time as this.

Almost every conversation I have today, I use a tool that I have learned from my nine months at the Institute. Whether it be how to Biblically approach a life issue with a friend or co-worker or how reach a point in a conversation where I can show someone the gospel of Jesus, there are so many tools that I learned at the Institute that I have continued to build upon after graduating.

Inductively studying God's Word is something that I did not know how to prior attending the Institute. I read my Bible almost daily, but did not possess the tools to dive into Scripture in a way that gave me the opportunity to continue to grow. Through the variety of teachers from all over the world who came and spoke to the Institute, the full-time staff, and the Lord, I was able to learn how to inductively study my Bible. I now feel confident about tackling and breaking down any piece of Scripture that I come across with the tools I now possess.
At the Institute I learned the humility that comes with leading with a limp. I came into the program prideful, thinking that I was attending to gain Biblical knowledge. I couldn't wait to show others how much I knew and how disciplined and polished I was. Little did I know how God would use the nine months at the Institute to teach me the heart knowledge that comes with being a committed follower of Jesus Christ. He humbled me and taught me that there is value in leading with a brokenness that is in desperate need of a Savior daily.
The value of the Institute cannot be measured in monetary value or any other worldly standard. The value of the Institute is attending a program that stands for training in godliness. Which we know from 1 Timothy 4 is "of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." What an opportunity you have been given to immerse yourself in God's Word for nine months which will produce eternal value. Don't miss out on what God is doing at the Institute!

The Kanakuk Institute is a must opportunity that will prepare one to be an effective disciple of Christ in any work setting where God leads.

The Kanakuk Institute is far more than an education. It is a deep, character-building experience supported with accountability and required application. It is a must opportunity that will prepare one to be an effective disciple of Christ in any work setting where God leads.

In an age of seeker-friendly, market-driven churches, thoughtful believers are starving for serious intellectual content to engage a skeptical world. Kanakuk gives it to them. Students at the Kanakuk Institute are sharp, engaged, and willing to go deep into subjects critical to a biblical worldview.

I absolutely love teaching grad students at Kanakuk! They are sharp, engaged, and willing to go deep into subjects critical to a biblical worldview. In an age of seeker-friendly, market-driven churches, thoughtful believers are starving for serious intellectual content to engage a skeptical world. Kanakuk gives it to them. That is why I show up!
They get three things: First, they get a clear biblical worldview, one that can compete in the marketplace of ideas. Second, they learn to apply that worldview to a host of controversial issues. Third, they learn how to communicate that worldview in the real world where lost people live. And they learn to do it graciously and persuasively.
Kanakuk is a gap year graduate program that equips you to flourish as a Christian in a post-Christian world. During your early to mid 20s, you make foundational decisions that set the trajectory of your life. Why not take a year to build a solid foundation for flourishing as a believer in Jesus Christ?
We all need a foundational worldview that will govern our habits, decision making, and character development. Kanakuk Institute is a place to explore that foundational worldview.

Since leaving The Institute I have used the training I received to dig into the Bible and discover how God would invite me to tackle the challenges life throws my way with love, peace, and confidence in His goodness and grace. No matter what pandemic, conflict, or struggle comes my way I know God has given me all I need in His Word with His Spirit to navigate a life of love and joy.

The Institute not only equipped me with Biblical Knowledge but even more so Biblical Skills. Since leaving The Institute I have used the training I received to dig into the Bible and discover how God would invite me to tackle the challenges life throws my way with love, peace, and confidence in His goodness and grace. No matter what pandemic, conflict, or struggle comes my way I know God has given me all I need in His Word with His Spirit to navigate a life of love and joy.

Post KI, it has changed the way I do my job, love people, and live my life — I live in confidence of the Lord’s faithfulness!

It is difficult to even start to summarize all that the Lord taught me during my time at the Institute, However, it is the Lord’s faithfulness that I go back to each time I remember my time at KI. As we learned about people like Abraham, Moses, the Israelites, Paul, and a whole lot of other people who looked a lot like me (sinful and in need of a loving God!), and yet still saw how the Lord faithfully used and guided them, I started to see how the Lord continually does that in my own life. The thread of God’s faithfulness that runs from Genesis to today has impacted me in every area of my life. Post KI, it has changed the way I do my job, love people, and live my life — I live in confidence of the Lord’s faithfulness! I am grateful we were reminded of God’s character day after day at KI and I will carry those truths with me for the rest of my life!”

This program equips everyone for life. Not just life serving in full time ministry. It will bring you confidence in your belief system and how to live it out and defend it to others.

We absolutely love and are passionate about the ministry of the Kanakuk Institute. Equipping biblical leaders to understand and accurately handle the Word of Truth is the most important thing we can be involved with this side of heaven.
As the mother of two Institute graduates, I can honestly say my sons have been equipped to deal with the deceptions and lies this world has thrown their way. Listening to their mature and Biblical responses to some very difficult circumstances has brought a deep sense of joy to my heart. Knowing my children are walking in truth is a comfort and answered prayer. The Institute prepared them and pushed them to look at their faith and beliefs in relation to God's word and not traditions or cultural standards.
This program equips everyone for life. Not just life serving in full time ministry. It will bring you confidence in your belief system and how to live it out and defend it to others.

Through the Institute I’m understanding the plans God has for me and the self-discipline that Paul talks about in 2 Timothy 1:7 when he says, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."

When I first got to the Kanakuk Institute I didn’t truly know what it meant to have the self-discipline and focus needed when it came to growing my faith in Jesus. Through the Institute I’m understanding the plans God has for me and the self-discipline that Paul talks about in 2 Timothy 1:7 when he says, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."

I left KI with a humble confidence that the Lord is perfectly and consistently good. I had learned how to dive into scripture, who I am in Christ, the value of scripture memory, and what real Christian community looks like.

My biggest challenge coming into KI was reading God's word. I felt ill equipped. I never felt like i was doing it right and always found myself frustrated and confused. This made me feel like a 'bad' Christian. Someone who had no idea what they claimed to believe. I felt as if i couldn't be a good witness.
I decided to come to KI because I saw the life change it created. I knew I was struggling with reading scripture and wanted to do something about it. Attending KI was a big decision for me. It was not in my plan to take another year of school without making any money. Finances enough gave me enough reason to say no. With patience, the Lord reminded me that money is not what controls my life, but he is in control and that is a GOOD thing. He was calling me to KI so I must go.
Walking into the gates of KI I was walking in sin bound by insecurity and chosen arrogance. I knew I was broken, but I had no idea what to do about it. I left KI with a humble confidence that the Lord is perfectly and consistently good. I had learned how to dive into scripture, who I am in Christ, the value of scripture memory, and what real Christian community looks like.
The conviction from the Holy Spirit has moved me to be a bold witness for Christ. I am actively trying to pursue Christ knowing that I will fail but also knowing that he will remain consistent in his love for me.

Nothing excites me more than the idea of going forth into this world in order to make famous the name of Jesus after the Institute.

If you would have as told me a few years ago that I would be living in Branson, Missouri, studying the Bible, I would have labeled you insane. Yet, as I have grown in my relationship with the Lord, have understood more about his character, and have discovered the true significance of the person of Jesus, I am convinced that this time is a gift from God. Studying the meta-narrative of scripture in my time here has humbled me in a tremendous way. KI has consistently been a reminder of the Lord’s steadfast love and compassion for his people and this world.

If work, academia, family, and life itself is driven by deeper worldviews and purposes, then a program like the Kanakuk Institute couldn't be more important. I love KI because it is 100% about Jesus in one of the boldest and kindest ways, and Jesus is the greatest person, purpose, worldview that I have ever experienced.

Before KI, I found it very difficult to understand the full picture of the Bible. How does it all fit together? Are there contradictions? How do you defend it? What does it really mean? How do I apply it to know Jesus more deeply? Not having a full picture of the Bible was frustrating and difficult... I didn't know how to answer my own questions, let alone the questions of friends and co-workers who didn't understand the legitimacy or importance of the Bible. Also, I just desperately wanted to know Jesus more intimately.
It was totally God who prompted me to leave a lucrative job early (to the shock of my co-workers) and to apply and move to Branson for the KI program. While there, I learned to process EVERYTHING through the lens of scripture. I learned more about the depth of God's great love for us. I learned how seriously we are to take every second of this life... yet how we can walk with peace, joy, and hope.
My life has benefited from KI in that I am focused on purpose and truth. Per God's miraculous plan, I would definitely not be doing what I am doing now if it weren't for the Institute.
The Institute offers the most applicable parts of seminary: each week a different teacher comes in from across the country to teach about the most important aspects of the Christian faith.
For someone considering KI, I would suggest asking Jesus what He wants for you. Ultimately, He is the only one who knows what you should do, and that may or may not be the Institute. Either way, live radically and don't waste a moment. Life is for the purpose of knowing Jesus and making him known. It is also short. So whether it is through KI or not, jump further into your faith, knowing Jesus, and knowing your Bible NOW, so that you can know Jesus more intimately and open yourself further to his glorious plans.
The Kanakuk Institute is one of the most excellent academic programs in the nation, because it dives into purpose (life purpose, purpose of existence) in a deep and true way. If work, academia, family, and life itself is driven by deeper worldviews and purposes, then this type of program couldn't be more important. Ultimately, I love KI because it is 100% about Jesus in one of the boldest and kindest ways, and Jesus is the greatest person, purpose, worldview that I have ever experienced.

Kanakuk Institute is one of the finest training grounds for future pastors, Bible teachers, and leaders in the church. The students are equipped with sound doctrine and more importantly they learn how to apply it in their lives. The opportunity to learn from current leaders from around the country is priceless. And the training truly “sticks” and shapes them because they learn and serve in community with other future leaders. I highly recommend KI to anyone with leadership potential.

Kanakuk Institute is one of the finest training grounds for future pastors, Bible teachers, and leaders in the church. The students are equipped with sound doctrine and more importantly they learn how to apply it in their lives. The opportunity to learn from current leaders from around the country is priceless. And the training truly “sticks” and shapes them because they learn and serve in community with other future leaders. I highly recommend KI to anyone with leadership potential.

The Lord will move in your life regardless of where you are, as long as you are surrendered to Him. The Institute is a place to become better equipped to do that, and you won't regret giving the Lord this time.

I came into the Institute actively walking in sin and full of insecurity. I was trying to control every aspect of my life, including how people saw me and the situations I was in.
I left the Institute with an understanding of my desperate need for God. He had become my Lord and Savior, and made me a new creation in Christ.
When I graduated college, I believed I was the lord of my own life, struggled with people-pleasing, and tried to work my way into salvation. I found that I was never as good as I wanted to be, I was continuously letting myself and others down. The Lord moved in my heart and life despite my lack of faithfulness. I made the commitment to KI on a 'whim' without much thought or prayer, using it as my answer for "what are you doing after college". My life was radically changed during the 8 months at KI. I became a true, repentant Christian, and have been learning to walk in faithful obedience. The Lord led me to go on mission, and through the uncertain path of getting here, I knew I must surrender my desires to Him and trust His plan. Since getting to the Republic of Congo, my life and ministry have benefitted from my desperation for Christ and understanding of the calling He gives His disciples.

I was worried that spending a year at KI would "hold me back" from pursuing the career I wanted, but the reality is that God graciously ordained that year to prepare me for the works He had ahead. God used the solid foundation of biblical instruction and strong spiritual shepherding to enhance my discipleship skills for a continued lifetime of ministry.

I felt like KI was out of scope for what I wanted for my career. I was worried that spending a year at KI would "hold me back" from pursuing the career I wanted, but the reality is that God graciously ordained that year for me to prepare me for the works He had ahead. I ultimately decided to come to KI because I felt the Lord calling me there.
I had a solid biblical base prior to attending the Kanakuk Institute, but the program helped me to string my knowledge together to gain a complete understanding of the overall picture of the Bible. Spending eight months at KI prepared me well to answer the biblical and spiritual questions that people around me were asking. I feel well-equipped to answer tough questions and to help guide people into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Kanakuk Institute better enabled me to live out our life's mission of making disciples. God used the solid foundation of biblical instruction and strong spiritual shepherding to enhance my discipleship skills for a continued lifetime of ministry. If the Lord is calling you, go!

My life is forever changed by my time spent at the Institute, not because the Institute is a Holy place, but because you will never experience a more intentional year of challenge, support, access to Biblical knowledge & incredible community like you will at the Kanakuk Institute. I am forever changed because I have never been more confident in the Word of God being true and my desire to let it change me. I will be a different woman, wife, & mom because I spent time diving deep into the Word of God and believe in every Word it says and will continue to study it for the rest of my life.

I came into the Institute claiming life was about Jesus but living as if life was all about Emily Brown. I was willingly walking in pride, selfishness, and ignorance.
I left the institute believing and living that life is NOT about me, but about Jesus! I continue to sin, but care deeply about the Word of God and sharing it with others, encouraged by a fresh zeal and confidence to share His Word!
Before, I knew that all of my opinions were based on Biblical principles, but I had no idea how to back up my beliefs with scripture. I was shaky when people would ask me questions, seeking to satisfy their spiritual questions with my personal opinions. I felt prideful, thinking I could answer their questions with my own opinions, but it also left me feeling insecure when people would ask for scripture because i didn't feel equipped to answer. A friend asked me "Is your faith the most important thing about you?" And I answered "yes". My friend responded "Then what's 7 months in your whole life devoted to the thing you claim is the most important thing to you?" And that hit me deep. I realized that the Kanakuk Institute for me was the obedient decision.
My life is forever changed by my time spent at the Institute, not because the Institute is a Holy place, but because you will never experience a more intentional year of challenge, support, access to Biblical knowledge & incredible community like you will at the Kanakuk Institute. I am forever changed because I have never been more confident in the Word of God being true and my desire to let it change me. I will be a different woman, wife, & mom because I spent time diving deep into the Word of God and believe in every Word it says and will continue to study it for the rest of my life.
I have not once regretted my time spent at the Institute. I daily go back to my notes or reference something I learned for the first time while at KI. I am still in community weekly with my friends from the Institute, those near & far, because of the rich relationships built while studying scripture together. If you are on the fence, you should probably do it because I was on the fence and my life is changed because of what I took away from going to KI and buying in to the experience.
The Kanakuk Institute is FULL of resources to equip you as you enter into any field. It is worth 7 months of your time! I don't regret a minute spent there, and there were challenges! I was pushed and stretched more than I would have liked. I didn't always like it, but I KNEW God was stripping me away and gosh i am forever changed by my new & refreshed desire to LOVE God forever and continue to deeply study His Word. I am more confident than ever before that HE keeps His promises and I am more capable to share my beliefs because of the equipping I participated in and learned at KI!

My life is radically different than it was when I first stepped foot at KI. Before, I was anxious, confused about the purpose of my career, saw people as solely competition, and lived in a lot of darkness. Now, I desire to live obediently to the Lord and faithfully carry out the purpose He has given for my life. I have passion, joy, and a genuine desire to know people deeper while loving them better.

My coming was clearly all God's doing because, at the time, I wasn't following the Lord. Ultimately, the statement I kept coming back to was "if God is real, great. if God isn't real, great. I just need to know." After many failed attempts to get my questions answered, I knew I had to go learn for myself. My biggest struggle probably centered around the idea of purpose and finding out what truly was the purpose of my existence here on earth.
I had done everything I possibly could to make a difference, to be successful, and yet I was left feeling more empty and inadequate than ever before. There had to be something more, and sure enough there is. I had no idea what I was missing, but praise be to God for allowing me to know Him!
The two greatest takeaways for me were learning and confidently articulating why I believe what I believe and understanding that true obedience takes sacrifice. This resulted in true freedom for me.
If you are contemplating whether or no to got to KI, worried about finances, anxious about delaying the start of your career, or maybe even questioning the existence of God. Stop. Look at the very thing you are focused on. Chances are it's a worldly desire or a societal standard that you're trying to meet. Forget about what people think you're supposed to do and instead do what God intends for you. Your obedience will be rewarded!
KI equips you to be a gospel-minded, kingdom servant through God's word, genuine community, real-life accountability, discipleship, and fun. Simply put, the most life-changing and transformative experience in my life.

These KI students are learning the invaluable things that make for a life that universities are loath to teach. The program will build into students the things that make for successful living that your trade and career will never provide.

It is one thing to make a living ... another to make a life. These KI students are learning the invaluable things that make for a life that universities are loath to teach. The program will build into students the things that make for successful living that your trade and career will never provide. The Kanakuk Institute will for certain provide a year of delight and substance.

As a leader in the urban non profit space for 30 years. I've referred many young leaders to the Kanakuk Institute over the years. Students are involved in an environment that builds committed leaders who are set to impact the world in a gospel centered way.

As a leader in the urban non profit space for 30 years. I've referred many young leaders to the Kanakuk Institute over the years. Students are involved in an environment that builds committed leaders who are set to impact the world in a gospel centered way.

My time at KI was a complete transformation and overhaul of my life. I finally understood the call upon my life was to know God and make Him known - the rest was details. I grew exponentially more that year than the previous two decades and was discipled in ways that set the trajectory for the rest of my life.

At 30 years old, I had completely wrecked my life with sin and destructive patterns and desperate for change. I was interviewing for jobs and praying about the Institute, at my brother's suggestion. I thought I couldn't afford to "take a year off" to be at the Institute - It felt like career suicide. But I had a conversation with KI staff and filled out the application. With each additional step, the Institute became very obviously the right choice.
My time at KI was a complete transformation and overhaul of my life. I finally understood the call upon my life was to know God and make Him known - the rest was details. I had a degree from college, years of advertising and sales experience, made a bunch of money, and gotten all the world says will bring fulfillment... and yet, I was empty, broken and aching. Within my first two weeks at the Institute, my identity was in Christ and not just a career. Life in the LORD was the greatest adventure my soul had always longed for. I grew exponentially more that year than the previous two decades and was discipled in ways that set the trajectory for the rest of my life - spiritually, professionally, relationally, occupationally, et al.
There's no way to quantify the immeasurable growth while at KI. I'm a closer Christ follower, a better husband and dad, a better friend, better employee, better neighbor, better evangelist to the lost, better comforter to the hurting, better community to my small group. While the goal isn't "being better at life," it is the result of being discipled and abiding and living in Christian community. It's fruit from those spiritual roots that I grew in at the Institute.
The Kanakuk Institute is a yearlong discipleship program in Christian community with both best-in-class teaching and hands-on ministry application/leadership for a lifetime of ministry no matter what your business card ever says. Assuming you're already praying, fill out the application, have a conversation with staff and alumni, and see what happens. Would you be willing to give God a year of your life? I answered "yes" to that question, and the rest of my life has never been the same. Enroll! You'll never regret it. When you show up there, go ALL in.

You will never in your life have the concentrated time to dig in and study the truth of the gospel in a very isolated and purposeful manner. The implications of this year will have a lasting impact on your career, family, and relationships for the rest of your life. Don't let fear or doubt the thing that keeps you from taking advantage of this opportunity.

Kanakuk has been a part of my life for a long time, so I was always interested in KI. What made me decide on coming was a true desire to face some of the doubt, and be in an environment where I could learn and grow in a very concentrated manner. If I was serious about what I thought I believed about God, it was really a no-brainer to take the time to really dig in and sift through the questions.
When you have life-shaping, world-view altering beliefs based merely on an opinion, it's easy for that doubt to grow. Because there's a constant voice asking, "what if I'm wrong? What if this isn't actually true? What if I'm just a product of my environment and upbringing?"
Overall I think I had a decent grasp on what I believed, but I didn't exactly know why. The Holy Spirit had absolutely captured my heart, and I knew Jesus, but I would say prior to KI a lot of my views were opinion based rather than convictions that had been thoroughly worked through, tested, and discussed.
First, doing the Bible overview was extremely transformational in the sense of gaining an understanding of the timeline and history and implications of scripture. Filling in the gaps of my knowledge to see God's redemptive work through all of history to redeem, restore, and reconcile His people back to Himself. Realizing the divine acts that had to take place through all of it and for the preservation of Scripture throughout the course of history was huge for me.
Secondly, from a doctrinal standpoint things that were opinions previously became convictions. There was a lot of questioning, wrestling, discussing, and reading throughout the year to get there, but by the work of the Holy Spirit, I developed deep rooted convictions theologically which still keep me rooted. God did a massive work of revelation and illumination of His character to me throughout the year, and that in turn changed my life.
Thirdly, the friendships I developed are my closest and dearest friends. I cannot describe the implications of those friendships throughout that year but even more so in the years ever since. Wrestling through doubt, sin, questions, and doing life so closely with those people will inevitably knit your hearts together if you let it. I consider these friends my "home team" and those who fight with and for me daily still, even from a distance.
The convictions I gained at the Kanakuk Institute have been anchoring for me through good and hard seasons. A deeper understanding and trust in God's sovereignty and faithfulness has lead me through tumultuous career changes and challenges. A greater understanding of God's grace, love, and mercy that flows from His righteous and just nature has given me the ability to love family and friends well, and to seek their greatest good.
I also think one of the greatest benefits flows from my belief statement on Scripture. In a culture where truth is relative, if we have no anchor of convictions on what is true then we will so easily and quickly one tossed here and there by the winds and waves (James 1). This challenge has been very personal as I feel the fight for truth is a constant battle everyday against lies of relativism that make their subtle descent into even the most dear and sacred parts of our lives. These attacks often feel overwhelming as they come in relationships, work, and publicly. Being able to stay anchored in the truth of the gospel and the person of Jesus Christ has been the greatest way I have felt kept by God. My knowledge and convictions from my time at KI, in conjunction with the constant ministering of the Holy Spirit, enables me to fight for truth in all of these areas of my life.
You will never in your life have the concentrated time to dig in and study the truth of the gospel in a very isolated and purposeful manner. The implications of this year will have a lasting impact on your career, family, and relationships for the rest of your life. Don't let fear or doubt the thing that keeps you from taking advantage of this opportunity.