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The greatest transformation happened by understanding the WHOLE Bible and how it all worked together. My year at the Institute challenged my comfortable belief system and made me put down some deep theological roots that I stand on today.

— Collin Sparks, Exec. Dir. of Kamps & K-Kountry, Kanakuk Kamps, TCU Graduate
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2003
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I grew up in the church and thought I knew the Lord, but didn’t realize until college that I had never truly submitted my life to Him. The past few years have been a process of connecting my head knowledge about the Lord with my heart’s motives, intentions, and desires, and the Kanakuk Institute has already been key in this.

— Emilee Sullivan, Administrative Assistant to Student Development, Missouri Baptist University
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2019
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The Lord has blessed me greatly in many areas since the Institute. My life has a greater purpose to know, love, and share Jesus. I’m in a line of work that is naturally dark and far from Jesus. The Institute has prepared me to have difficult conversations, speak with love and patience, and to faithfully show others what life in Jesus looks like. I’ve seen a difference in my heart to unashamedly share the Gospel with those who don’t know God, and sometimes reject Him.

— Brooks Cataudella, Relief Fire Equipment Operator and Firefighter in Tulsa, OK
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2021
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The Institute provides an intense, focused curriculum in Bible and theology, which is then lived out in ministry opportunities and in community. A year of preparation for a lifetime of ministry, a year of foundation building, a year of developing good habits and practices, a year of deepening roots in the faith, a year of establishing lifelong friendships, a year of mentoring and being mentored, and a year of attention to loving God and loving others.

— Dr. Glenn Kreider, Professor of Theological Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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The benefit of taking a year to sit under great teaching with like-minded students is unparalleled. The Kanakuk Institute gives these students a well from which they will draw for the rest of their lives.

— Jason Dees, Senior Paster, Christ Covenant in Atlanta, Georgia
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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Being able to accurately handle the Word of God as I walk against a real enemy who wants to destroy me has made all the difference as I have moved onward past my time at the Institute.

— Cody Reeter, Growth and Engagement Advisor at United in Purpose
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2019
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In a world of relative truths, the Kanakuk Institute equipped me well to discuss and share the absolute truth of the Word of God. I'm in the field of medicine now, and among a wide variety of science-minded individuals who often encourage, and many times require, empiric data for certain claims, especially regarding faith. The immense depth and the breadth of the Biblical teaching that I received at the Kanakuk Institute prepared me well for these discussions.

— Matt Gilbert, Primary Care Sports Medicine in Germantown, TN, Rhodes College Graduate
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2012
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We are grateful that before our boys attended the Institute they were solid young men seeking to follow the Lord. In light of that, we were amazed by the metamorphosis that occurred while there. There was refinement, depth, greater accountability and a broad biblical equipping that is priceless.

— Jeff and Cindy Reeter, parents of Nick (Class of 2017) and Cody (Class of 2019)
Kanakuk Institute Parent
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I'll never forget hearing about KI and going to the interest meeting, only to find out it was for college graduates! I waited for four years until it was finally my turn. There is not a price tag to put on the overwhelming benefit my time at KI had on my life.

— Jenny Davell Dansby, Wedding Planner and Mom, Samford University Graduate
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2010
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Biblical and theological literacy is decreasing at an alarming rate. And ministries like The Kanakuk Institute are on the front lines of raising up a generation of young men and women who understand the Bible, solid theology, and a Christian worldview.

— Mitch Maher, Lead Pastor, Redeemer Community Church, Katy, TX
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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You will never regret the decision to intentionally study God's Word and live in authentic community for eight months. I'm so thankful for the grounding in truth that occurred in my time at the Institute.

— Beth Ann Lampley, K1 Women's Director, Kanakuk Kamps
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2013
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Through the biblical training I received at the Institute, I gained confidence in engaging with people about faith and defending my beliefs. Now that I am living in Ethiopia and teaching Bible at an international school, I have been able to put into practice what I learned at the Institute by equipping students to hopefully have confidence to defend their faith as well.

— CeCe Blasi, Bingham Academy in Ethiopia as a Guidance Counselor and Bible Teacher
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2020
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I now know where to go, how to give Biblical answers, and my walk with the Lord is becoming even stronger.

— Wilson Engle, Director of Recreation at Highland Park Presbyterian Church
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2019
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The rest of my life will be different because of Kanakuk Institute.

— Courtney Smith Crenshaw, Upper School Youth Pastor, Liberty Christian School, Argyle, TX
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2018
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Three things come to mind that I have taken with me from my time at KI. 1. The value/ importance of a Biblical worldview. 2. A heart for a lifetime of ministry in and out of the church. 3. A dedication to discipleship. These three things are things that shape my day to day walk now, as my time at KI has greatly impacted my whole life for the rest of my life.

— Aaden Jones, Korn Ferry Consulting in Dallas, Texas
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2018
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The Institute provides a wonderful platform to help young men and women encounter Christ, engaging them in the connection between faith (what they believe) and life (how they behave).

— Marvin Daniels, Executive Director, The Hope Center in Kansas City
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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The Institute provides an intensive and immersive experience in biblical community, learning how God's Word works for life. Rarely does a Christian have this example of community. Students construct a theology that will carry them forward in life, work, and ministry.

— David Daniels, Lead Pastor, Central Bible Church in Ft. Worth, Texas
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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The most impactful thing I learned from the Institute was the Bible Overview. Over the past few years there have been countless times at church or in Bible study that I have been able to place a specific story or passage into the overall narrative and better understand the teaching. Not only that, but in my own life it has caused me to be reminded of the complete narrative God is writing. In the trials and triumphs I have to remember that God is at work in ways I might not be able to see at the moment, but what I do know is that I can look back at his faithfulness in thanksgiving and move forward in faith. God is good, all the time!

— Colin Plotts, Field Operations Specialist for 49 Financial in Austin, Texas
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2018
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When I was at the Kanakuk Institute, God taught me that he could equip me for whatever ministry he had for me, if I would simply follow him.

— Brad and Sam Monk
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2004
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I describe the Institute as "perpetual sanctification accelerant." It equipped me to grow exponentially, like a snowball rolling down hill, compounding "return on investment" spiritually.

— Shay Robbins, K2 Director, Kanakuk Kamps
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2006
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The community at the Institute is beyond anything we have ever experienced. We now get to live in the freedom of knowing that it doesn’t matter what career we are in, whether that’s baseball, business or anything else, at the end of the day our mission is the same.

— Jason Adam, Relief Pitcher, Tampa Bay Rays
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2018
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I’ve been learning a ton about spiritual disciplines, the purpose and benefit of Scripture memory and meditation, how to inductively study the Bible, church history, and the overall story of the Bible and how everything points to Jesus! Forming lifelines on media, manhood, and self image with Scripture has encouraged me a ton because I can use those things for the rest of my life and now always back up the decisions I make with Scripture!

— Ben Sylvester, Youth and Young Adult Pastor, Santa Cruz Baptist Church in California
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2023
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This year I learned more about who God truly is, what His word truly says, and what implications that has for who I truly am. I got to process the pain, bitterness, and junk from my past with people who love me unconditionally and impartially. I got to learn what the Bible really is and God's grand story from Genesis to Revelation. I got to meet my best friends who will undoubtedly stand by me for the rest of my life. I got to pause after years of sprinting before the next big step in my life and dive head first into Truth.

— Mary Ashton Fraley, LPC Candidate Thrive Christian Counseling in Oklahoma City
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2017
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The Institute develops the whole person. You will be working for the next 40 to 50 years of your life. One year at KI is a worthy investment to prepare you for a lifetime of ministry in whatever area God calls you to serve.

— Pat Zukeran, Founder and Executive Director, Evidence and Answers
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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Relinquishing control and embracing security in the Lord has been a great struggle in my faith. God has and will always be faithful but somehow I tend to seek a way to doubt Him. I find myself as the father in Mark 9 asking God “if you can”. If God can? Of course God can and He already has. In those moments, I get to steady myself with the entirety of Scripture that testifies to all that God has done, is doing, and will do. This lets me cast aside my doubt and see my security in the Lord, and just like the father I get to cry out “I believe, help my unbelief” and God is faithful to make Himself more real to me in everything I let go to Him.

— Madi Hoppe, Athletic Trainer at Emory Healthcare
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2019
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I cannot even express in words the heart transformation that Hannah experienced this year. Her maturity in Christ, her understanding of God and His purpose for her life just blossomed. It transformed her heart, her mind and her attitude. It is a testimony to the fact that when we are open to Christ, He changes us.

— Cindy Ellis, parent of Hannah in Class of 2020
Kanakuk Institute Parent
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During my time at KI, I learned rich biblical truths that I have carried forward into everyday life as a husband and (soon-to-be) father and into the medical profession. Before the Kanakuk Institute, I did not feel as though I had a strong biblical foundation. During that year, I began to read and experience and understand the Word of God as truly living and active, just as the author of Hebrews describes it in chapter 4. Scripture began to mold and shape me as I studied it.

— Matt Gilbert, Primary Care Sports Medicine in Germantown, TN, Rhodes College Graduate
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2012
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KI leaves you with not just knowledge that’s helpful in conversations, but with truth that you’ll cling to and rely on when you meet days of confusion and brokenness. Remembering and remaining faithful to the things we learned while at the Institute have allowed us to not only be a part of and see conversations that lead to fruit in others’ lives, but it has allowed us to be better spouses, better friends, siblings, children, co-workers, and - above all - disciples of Christ.

— Jacob and Sarah Posey
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2018
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While at the Institute, I fell in love with the Word of God and it no longer was something I was supposed to do, but became something I could not live without. Not a day goes by where I do not use things I have learned from KI in my daily life.

— Derek Handley, Director, Character that Counts in Kansas City
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2018
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There are always jobs available, and there are always other opportunities, but rarely do you have the chance to set aside a year of your life and invest in your relationship with the Lord so wholeheartedly.

— Walter Kearns, VP Sales, FireSeeds
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2011
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You should absolutely send your child to the Institute. Your child will not regret having taken a year to grow in their faith before venturing into the rest of their life. This is a life changing experience.

— Mike and Kelly Works, parents of Lauren (Class of 2018) and Conner (Class of 2020)
Kanakuk Institute Parent
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The most impactful thing I learned is how to pursue and know the LORD with a healthy mindset and in a simple way.

— Ben Blocker, Banabas Prep
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2023
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The Institute produces young adults who know the Scriptures, value community, and have a vision for how to impact their world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every student, no matter their goals or aspirations, should consider spending a year at the Institute.

— Timothy Ateek, Teaching Pastor, Watermark Community Church
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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I truly believe that Belief Statements have had the biggest impact on my family, my business, & in leading small groups. Knowing God's Word & understanding His character has helped me clearly navigate the "almost-but-not-quite-true" parenting trends by solidifying the fact that sin must be identified so that we turn to Him for salvation. Lives are being changed because of what God allowed me to learn at the Institute, both mine & those around me.

— Jenny Dansby, Wife, Mom, & Wedding Planner in Alabama
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2010
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Almost every conversation I have today, I use a tool that I have learned from my nine months at the Institute. Whether it be how to Biblically approach a life issue with a friend or co-worker or how reach a point in a conversation where I can show someone the gospel of Jesus, there are so many tools that I learned at the Institute that I have continued to build upon after graduating.

— Luke Crenshaw, Youth Minister, Liberty Christian School in Argyle, TX
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2018
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The Kanakuk Institute is a must opportunity that will prepare one to be an effective disciple of Christ in any work setting where God leads.

— Pete Deison, Associate Pastor, Park Cities Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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In an age of seeker-friendly, market-driven churches, thoughtful believers are starving for serious intellectual content to engage a skeptical world. Kanakuk gives it to them. Students at the Kanakuk Institute are sharp, engaged, and willing to go deep into subjects critical to a biblical worldview.

— Scott Klusendorf, President, Life Training Institute
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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Since leaving The Institute I have used the training I received to dig into the Bible and discover how God would invite me to tackle the challenges life throws my way with love, peace, and confidence in His goodness and grace. No matter what pandemic, conflict, or struggle comes my way I know God has given me all I need in His Word with His Spirit to navigate a life of love and joy.

— Cash Fields, Ministry Director, Apostles Church Brooklyn
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2015
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Post KI, it has changed the way I do my job, love people, and live my life — I live in confidence of the Lord’s faithfulness!

— Madison Yates, Marketing Coordinator at the Kanakuk Institute
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2023
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This program equips everyone for life. Not just life serving in full time ministry. It will bring you confidence in your belief system and how to live it out and defend it to others.

— Beth Wiebe, parent of Michael (Class of 2014) and AJ (Class of 2017)
Kanakuk Institute Parent
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Through the Institute I’m understanding the plans God has for me and the self-discipline that Paul talks about in 2 Timothy 1:7 when he says, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."

— Ben Meredith, Lawyer at Bracewell LLP in Houston, TX
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2019
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I left KI with a humble confidence that the Lord is perfectly and consistently good. I had learned how to dive into scripture, who I am in Christ, the value of scripture memory, and what real Christian community looks like.

— Madison Wright, Dallas Police Department
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2021
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Nothing excites me more than the idea of going forth into this world in order to make famous the name of Jesus after the Institute.

— Luke Schlenker, Executive Minister at Landmark Church in San Marcos, TX
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2019
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If work, academia, family, and life itself is driven by deeper worldviews and purposes, then a program like the Kanakuk Institute couldn't be more important. I love KI because it is 100% about Jesus in one of the boldest and kindest ways, and Jesus is the greatest person, purpose, worldview that I have ever experienced.

— Robert Neely, Founder and President of InspireMore, Vanderbilt University Graduate
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2012
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Kanakuk Institute is one of the finest training grounds for future pastors, Bible teachers, and leaders in the church. The students are equipped with sound doctrine and more importantly they learn how to apply it in their lives. The opportunity to learn from current leaders from around the country is priceless. And the training truly “sticks” and shapes them because they learn and serve in community with other future leaders. I highly recommend KI to anyone with leadership potential.

— Afshin Ziafat, Lead Pastor, Providence Church, Frisco, TX
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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The Lord will move in your life regardless of where you are, as long as you are surrendered to Him. The Institute is a place to become better equipped to do that, and you won't regret giving the Lord this time.

— Kirby Birdsong, Missionary Midwife, Philippines
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2021
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I was worried that spending a year at KI would "hold me back" from pursuing the career I wanted, but the reality is that God graciously ordained that year to prepare me for the works He had ahead. God used the solid foundation of biblical instruction and strong spiritual shepherding to enhance my discipleship skills for a continued lifetime of ministry.

— Kelsey Van Housen, Physician Assistant Student, Johnson and Wales University
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2015
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My life is forever changed by my time spent at the Institute, not because the Institute is a Holy place, but because you will never experience a more intentional year of challenge, support, access to Biblical knowledge & incredible community like you will at the Kanakuk Institute. I am forever changed because I have never been more confident in the Word of God being true and my desire to let it change me. I will be a different woman, wife, & mom because I spent time diving deep into the Word of God and believe in every Word it says and will continue to study it for the rest of my life.

— Emily Brown, KLIFE Women's Director, Highland Park
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2021
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My life is radically different than it was when I first stepped foot at KI. Before, I was anxious, confused about the purpose of my career, saw people as solely competition, and lived in a lot of darkness. Now, I desire to live obediently to the Lord and faithfully carry out the purpose He has given for my life. I have passion, joy, and a genuine desire to know people deeper while loving them better.

— Sam Maloy, Field of Hope Fellow: Agriculture Sustainability in Uganda
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2019
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These KI students are learning the invaluable things that make for a life that universities are loath to teach. The program will build into students the things that make for successful living that your trade and career will never provide.

— Tommy Nelson, Executive Pastor, Denton Bible Church
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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As a leader in the urban non profit space for 30 years. I've referred many young leaders to the Kanakuk Institute over the years. Students are involved in an environment that builds committed leaders who are set to impact the world in a gospel centered way.

— Randy Odom, President, Kids Across America
Kanakuk Institute Teacher
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My time at KI was a complete transformation and overhaul of my life. I finally understood the call upon my life was to know God and make Him known - the rest was details. I grew exponentially more that year than the previous two decades and was discipled in ways that set the trajectory for the rest of my life.

— John Elmore, Senior Pastor, Watermark Community Church, Dallas Theological Seminary Graduate
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2007
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You will never in your life have the concentrated time to dig in and study the truth of the gospel in a very isolated and purposeful manner. The implications of this year will have a lasting impact on your career, family, and relationships for the rest of your life. Don't let fear or doubt the thing that keeps you from taking advantage of this opportunity.

— Sally Higgins, Assistant Basketball Coach at Samford University
Kanakuk Institute Student, Class of 2015
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